Thursday, February 17, 2011

Diary Entrance No 2

Dear Diary-hea,
I didnt include everything in my last post, so here is new stuff and forgotten stuff.
Today at work was the cutest, tiny, cute, presumably gay boy. He was like an emo biebs, mixed with Pete Wentz, and a splash of Glambert. The wedding is in may.
I inadvertently started a new tradition. I was on my way to the bathroom for my daily afternoon "meeting" in the bathroom by the cafe. There was a vending machine next to the bathroom. Long story shot, i was pooping, eating cheese puffs, and playing Uno. The american dream.
Last night Kim W-B, and myself took a trip to Kevin Seaman's abandoned New Hope condo. She told me i should bring my own drink. I stopped at wawa and got water, tuna salad and fruit and cheese snack.
The lady Mary who sits next to me has trouble opening the new, smaller caps on Deer Park. She asked me to open it, saying "it's too little to grip right." I replied "thats what she said."
Milask and myself went to Chipotle today for lunch. I dont know what happened, but it ended up with me getting free lunch. I think their power must have gone out, and the smoke was making us cough. I donno.
Today it was about 50-sum degrees. I wore shorts to work. 50 is the fat girl's 70.

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